The Open STEM Teacher

An Open Education Resource (OER) around student learning for STEM student teachers.

Welcome to STEM Capstone here at CU Denver. In the interest of saving money for students and being able to crowdsource information from talented student teachers, we will be using some resources from the professor as well as what you have learned in your time in your education courses as well as what you have learned from your internship.  

Photo by Hal Gatewood / Unsplash

Table of Contents

What you need to know

Prologue - What does it mean to be a STEM teacher? What does it mean to have students' learning visible?

Chapter 1 - How do we build engaging units for students?

Chapter 2 - Making Connections Across a Lesson Plan

Chapter 3 -  **Add a blog on building Assessment

Chapter 4 - Providing Feedback

Chapter 5 - Reflections on Analyzing Student Work

Chapter 6 -

Chapter 7 -


Daily Planner: When engaging with the text, this icon will indicate the list of things that need to be completed.

Discussion: The discussion icon will indicate a sharing of a discussion. You will see text, audio or video of a conversation had about this aspect of learning.

Readings: This section will be where we add readings that could help support the learning. Be sure to add your own!

Reflection: When you see this icon, it becomes a time to engage in reflection. You can use any modality you'd like (written/video/audio/podcast/etc.). Imagine big opportunities and possibilities for centering or incorporating creativity into your practice– the reflections will give space to pause and consider how you are experiencing learning and making meaning of it within your own practice.

Assignment: The assignment icon will let you know what is expected for the specific section of the text.