Unit Plan Wrap-up

Takeaways Building a Unit: To connect your standards with the big ideas you have for your unit. I found it a lot easier to look at the high school standards to find what I wanted to look for and what you want your students to come up with.

Connections: Language and Cognitive Demands that you expect your students to complete. When looking at the two demands I made connections of the middle of comprehensions when you are explaining what you are learning about and understanding. While in your creativity can lead with writing or speaking depending on what you are having your students do within your lesson.

Next Steps: The next time I build a unit plan would be to just go for it and utalize the resources that we have and explore more within the standards and build it to fit the focus group of the studnets I have.

The Project: For future students who complete this unit plan is to create something that you have interest in. When building the unit plan to make it yours and what your future/current studnets can do. You know your students as you work with them every day.