Math Unit Overview: Cognitive and Language Demands

by Andy Bell

Does this student look the way you feel teaching the last period of the day?

Cognitive Rigor:

The portion of the unit overview that deals with cognitive rigor is the Unit Learning Goals section. In the math example there are seven numbered goals written as personal statements starting with the phrase "I can". Each goal is assigned a level using the revised Bloom's Taxonomy. I have seven goals so far in my unit plan for rational numbers. They are:

  1. I can add, subtract, multiply, and divide with positive and negative numbers.
  2. I know how positive and negative numbers apply to my daily life.
  3. I know the definition of absolute value and how to use it to solve problems.
  4. I can give examples of absolute value in real life.
  5. I can plot points on a coordinate plane that includes negative values.
  6. I can use absolute value to find the distance between two points on the coordinate plane.
  7. I can discuss real-life applications for finding the distance between two points when one or both points contain negative numbers.

Language Demands:

The portion of the unit overview that deals with language demands is self-titled. The math example breaks this section into the categories domains, functions, and forms which I'll probably do also. Domains are further broken into listening, speaking, reading, and writing.