When I Plan My Dream

To plan for a unit, I will think about the why what, and how. My whys are: Why am I teaching this unit? Why do students need to learn about this objective? Then what: What is the purpose of this unit? What will the students learn by the end of it? What accommodation should I provide for students who may need to ensure that all my students will learn? Finally, How will I teach this unit? How can I differentiate my lesson?
I used Understanding by design (UbD) ideas and methods to plan for a unit where I plan backward. My dream unit is about quadratic functions. Students in the first lesson of this plan will explore and investigate the quadratic function and its uses in real life. An essential question like why we need to learn quadratic functions can help know more about my students and their interests. They can see it in their daily activities and many other uses around them.

Another critical point is how to differentiate, which is where I need to go back and check who my students are and their barriers to providing support, accommodations, and modification. Also, do not forget to consider the big idea and the goal, which are the most crucial part of the unit plan, and connect them to each lessons' subjects that should arrange in an appropriate order to lead to this idea/goal.