What I May Need To Plan a Unit?

After building my unit plan, I could see the deep thinking that we need to make our plan reasonable and meet the learning goals that we created it for. The planning unit may look just a general idea of what we need our students to learn in a few weeks as a whole unit. We need to make sure that all lessons should have the same theme.

To clarify the big idea of the unit and answer essential lesson/s, the transition among standards should be smooth and connected to the one before and the one after as it builds on the previous goals towards the next. For example,  for the quadratic functions, students will start with creating equations in two or more variables to represent relationships between quantities, then create a visual model (graph/table) convert it to a function that describes a relationship between two quantities. From there, they will move to calculate and interpret the average rate of change of a function using graphs and tables that a quantity increasing exponentially eventually exceeds a quantity increasing as a polynomial function.

For the next unit, I will be aware of my students' previous knowledge and interests to bridge what they learned and what they will.
Next semester working on this project, I may tell people to start early, take their time, have more reviews will help to catch more details and be more satisfied with the work you have done and the learning you want to provide your students.