Challenge 4

People probably hear tens of claims being made everyday whether in commercials or in conversations. It is important for them to be able to critically analyze the claims so as to not fall prey to misleading and potentially harmful claims. Part of this analysis is to understand the logic, supported…

Challenge 3

There are lots of what and how questions in the unit learning goals, but I think what is lacking is more cognitively demanding questions. I would have more open-ended questions and questions contradictory to the standard thinking about earthquakes so that students are challenged to think differently about earthquakes. For…

Challenge 2

Learning and understanding happens in many ways but the power of connecting to prior knowledge is powerful. Building on a previous foundation of background knowledge allows for extending it with smaller blocks of new knowledge made more relevant and understandable. When I teach I am always trying activate prior knowledge…

Challenge 1: What it means to be a STEM teacher.

What does it mean to you connected to being a STEM teacher? JAMILA LYISCOTT As an educator, you probably have some pretty strong convictions about what constitutes excellence in your classroom. However, we do not often take the time to interrogate where our measures of excellence and standards are birthed.…