Assessment Learning

Something I have learned that I believe is extremely important for assessment is to be sure that the assessment has a purpose. If students are undertaking an assessment and have no idea what they are demonstrating, have no models to show that demonstration, or options to demonstrate their learning, it…

UDL For Now, UDL In The Future

Making projects or using PBL seems to be a good way to give students, individually or as a group, multiple ways to engage the content. Not only can this develop skills pertinent for outside of the classroom (planning, building, perseverance, and collaboration) but it also allows the students to use…

Beg to Differ

In my CT's class I believe that a certain project/continuous assignment that the students are asked to do is great in it being differentiated but also the task has many scaffolds built into it. Maybe I am conflating these two things which would be great to get…

Questions About Questioning

Through the readings that I/we have done in the course work so far, questioning and the purpose of questioning has recently come to the forefront. Before thinking about the method of questioning I honestly never paid it much thought other than relating to myself trying to figure out an…

Coming Full CERcle

I believe CER's or CLAIM, EVIDENCE, and REASONING tasks are fundamental in navigating life in general and are things that humans do on a day to day basis. I feel that this action within the classroom is essential when done correctly since it can allow students the ability…

Language and Cognitive Demands

Natural Hazards In all honesty I felt that this unit/lesson plan was really detailed and well thought through. It seems like effort was placed into reaching every level in the DOK framework and the ability for the demonstration of understanding was very multimodal. I especially like the chance for…

Photo Essay For UDL

Everyone has something unique to add to the story and anyone can add a spark to keep the fire rolling.What if you moved it this way? Do you see the same thing? "If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else." - Booker T. Washington…

Unique Observations

Katie Egan Cunningham "As a teacher, I notice students who enter the classroom with their heads held down. I notice the ones who remain silent as they take their seats. I notice who is chatting and about what.  I notice which students open their books with zeal, eager to…