Finish this Cartoon-Assessment

As modern education begins to move away from the traditional ways of assessing student mastery, I find that a primary part of any assessment is the feedback.  I personally value feedback from my professors and my peers.  It helps me to get a clearer perspective on my strengths, weakness and…

Multiple Means...

... of Representation! of Expression! of Engagement! My favorite part of these aspects of the UDL framework is the endless ways that relevant information can be used for student learning.  Relevancy is undoubtedly the root from which great ideas can grow when using these aspects to create lesson plans.  How do…


I think one of the things I have heard previous CT's struggle with is effective questioning.  This is not something that is only difficult in written assignments, but in class conversations as well.  In most of my observations, verbal questioning tends to be the most difficult to facilitate.…

CER in a post-truth world

1. Teaching students to use the CER method to generate answers to questions  is hugely important.  It is an important tool for them, even into adulthood. Once they have mastered it, they will then be able to use the scaffold to, in turn, develop questions.  This is important in a…

What does it mean to be a science teacher?

“The best things in science are both beautiful and simple, a fact that all too many teachers conceal from their students, by accident or design.”-John Gribbin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John R. Gribbin (born 19 March 1946) is a British science writer, an astrophysicist [], and a…