How can I provide useful feedback?

This blog post about feedback comes just as I am in the middle of grading CERC (short constructed response paragraphs) that answer the question: “Why does our heart rate increase when we exercise?” I am working hard to provide feedback to each student about their writing in addition to a…

Building a "Dream" Genetics Unit

“Students will understand and describe how technology impacts science and society.” One question that comes up frequently in my class (understandably at the moment, considering we are learning about outer space) is: “Why do I have to learn about this?”. One of the key components of this bioethics/genetics unit…

STEM Teacher (mostly Teacher)

To me, what it means to be a STEM teacher has changed since I started teaching. I used to think that being a STEM teacher meant valuing the scientific process, providing opportunities for creativity in unlikely places, and raising the next generation of problem solvers (to name a few). I…