Feedback in the class

An assessment that I have recently done with my students was a "pre-assessment" of finding the roots of a polynomial of third degree. It was some guided questions that would inform me of where they were at based on the past few lessons that we've had…


When I think about the feedback that I value as a student, I always see clear questions that will guide me towards a path that will help me better my work. If I value clear, concise and helpful feedback then I can only expect that my students do too. For…

Lesson Planning

One of the objectives in my first lesson plan is “students will be able to describe the graph of a polynomial given as equation in factored form and interpret what the Constants and the x and y-intercept represent in the graph of the polynomial.” For this specific lesson, the formative…

Unit Plan: Final Reflections

For this assessment, the biggest takeaway for me was Big Ideas. I had always had issues with coming up with Big Ideas and objectives and I always ended up making them super long and boring but thanks to the discussions that we had in class I was able to understand…

What is The Perfect End Goal?!?!!!

When I began working on my Unit plan I was really focused merely on the topic that I wanted to teach and on what activities I could do in this unit. It wasn't until I read the actual template and the requirements that I stopped for a second…

My Why...

I think that it is no lie that STEM classes aren't really a favorite of students (usually and mostly Math) but I believe that these can be some of the most exciting classes when you actually participate and, with an open mind, you take information in. Throughout my…

Equity in a Math Class

As I begin my journey as a teacher, I really want to prioritize equity in my classroom and social justice not only in the curriculum but also within the actual experience of teaching itself. I want to acknowledge my students' ethnic backgrounds as well as their communities and their…


I think that this "Pandemic life" has really changed things up for all of us. For better or for worse, things aren't the same as they used to be. Some of the 'not-so-good' aspects of this are remote learning and having to spend most…

Tasks in Math

To me, a task should be challenging and thought-provoking, fun yet clear and concise. Tasks should help students develop their critical thinking while supporting them and acknowledging that there will be mistakes throughout the process. A task shouldn't be seen as daunting but rather as an opportunity for…

Experiences into Math

I have always liked the idea of finding ways to turn Math classes into an opportunity to discuss important issues that interest the students. How do we do this in every lesson? I am not sure, I don't even know if it is possible. But I do know…