Fun for Fun's Sake

I have always personally enjoyed school and had "fun," but looking back, did I actually enjoy the tasks I was doing? Sometimes yes. But I think I enjoyed being right. I enjoyed the satisfaction of having the right answer and appearing "smart" in front of my…

Inhale, exhale

Self-care is extremely important. But defining what self-care is and what it means can be different from person to person. I'm an extremely anxious person. I have been my whole life. I like to fill my schedule, spread myself thin and please as many people as possible. This…

Room to Speak

Good morning class, When it comes to participating in class, I think a lot of students shy away because they don't want to be wrong. A wrong answer comes with feelings of embarrassment and that everyone's eyes are on you. We all know that feeling... and…

Dr. Baker and the Microscope

Hi Class, I began my journey in science education first as a student. I was always naturally curious and would often ask questions like "Mom, what's this leaf made of?" and "Dad, why does that rock look like that?" I knew that I could…