Grade Or Feedback?

Let us stop and think about what is our goal? What is the purpose of giving this grade or feedback? Is our goal to ensure students' learning or to evaluate them? Answering this question, all educators will prefer to be on the side of knowledge, not grading. Hence, feedback…

The Impact of Feedback

Feedback is an essential part of our life, not only in classrooms. We as people need to improve ourselves using the feedback from our community or who are around us. As teachers, we need to be sure about the quality of the feedback we may give our students and how…

Why We need to have a learning objective

The learning objective is the core of our lesson plan. We need to be very careful about creating it and then plan according to that objective. Here is the link to Zhou's Blog, which explains why it is crucial. Back…

What I May Need To Plan a Unit?

After building my unit plan, I could see the deep thinking that we need to make our plan reasonable and meet the learning goals that we created it for. The planning unit may look just a general idea of what we need our students to learn in a few weeks…

When I Plan My Dream

To plan for a unit, I will think about the why what, and how. My whys are: Why am I teaching this unit? Why do students need to learn about this objective? Then what: What is the purpose of this unit? What will the students learn by the end of…

Why Teaching?! Why STEM?!!

Being a teacher, in general, is not an easy duty. It needs to be patient and have that personality of readiness for the claim, argues, then convinces. I think a STEM teacher is a teacher who needs to connect the facts around us to the subject that we teach. Science…

What does it mean to you connected to being a STEM teacher

JAMILA LYISCOTT Rather than make assumptions about your students’ attitudes toward their own language practices, create critical, safe, and brave space to unpack what they already feel and know. If your racial, linguistic, or cultural identities differ from those of your students, be sure to regard this in how you…

Enjoy Your Learning...

To ensure our students' learning, they need to enjoy learning time. Let's forget old style and boring classes and be creative. As educators we need to mix learning with fun. Mix fun with learning keep students engaged and motivate them to learn. Students spend most of their…

Let Your Brain Talk...

Math and science are not easy subject. Both need focus and practice to be understood. Students need to engage in tasks to learn, otherwise they keep memorizing rules and use numbers that doesn't make any sense to them; or just be lost, and these periods will be their…