Beg to Differ

In my CT's class I believe that a certain project/continuous assignment that the students are asked to do is great in it being differentiated but also the task has many scaffolds built into it. Maybe I am conflating these two things which would be great to get feedback on? The assignment that our grade level department and my CT uses is a content/chapter/unit/lesson review book creator. It is essentially a way for students to demonstrate their learning outside of the typical modalities (quiz, CER, etc.) where the students fill in a templated page for each new piece of information that they learned about within the class. At the moment each students has a book creator, each page in the book creator addresses a certain piece of content that was learned, most pages (built by my CT and her partner) are a template to engage with in any means by the student to show their learning, and the book creator can then be used by the students for review/reference for assessments. The ability to engage the students in the book creator with diagrams, infographics, videos, sentence stems, word banks, text, illustrations, etc., I feel is twofold in being a task that is both scaffolded and differentiated.

Don't be afraid to care...

The picture I drew I felt tried to represent how light can be split into a spectrum which to me can be a metaphor for learning/instruction (Pink Floyd inspired illustration). Where the book creator assignment helps to perform this task by giving students multiple entry points into their learning outside of demonstrating what we as the educators feel is the best method. This project allows students to utilize their personal strengths that may not pertain directly to science and I believe allows the learning to be individualized.