Challenge #7-UDL (creativity)

  1. What do I need to think about for my capstone ? Supporting students within my capstone looks different every day, as we have some students who love working in groups, and others who always ask to work independently. There is value in both modes of working, so maybe I could have students tell me why they value each mode of working and then we can review it as a class in preparation for my capstone teaching to have the most efficient and effective learning possible.
  2. What do I need to think about connected to supporting my current students? My current students have not done math in nearly 2 months as we are now on a quarter system. This means the recollection of math from last semester will not be as swift or reliable as it was this quarter of teaching. This means more connections and reminders of what last semester held for our students, more videos and explanations, and more supports with homework and assessments.
  3. What am I thinking connected to this as I move toward your next job? As I am starting to interview and apply for jobs, I wonder how I can communicate my passion and desire for UDL and differentiation. I think in interviews and applications, I wish there was more differentiation in the whole process, meaning that there were multiple modes for me to express my competency and ability to teach mathematics, rather than answering very cookie-cutter questions and filling out the same forms over and over again.