CRM(S)T Tool - Analyzing assessments for the Culturally relevant teaching

CRM(S)T Tool - Analyzing assessments for the Culturally relevant teaching

As aspiring educators in the field of STEM, one of the fundamental skills we aim to cultivate is the ability to reflect critically on our teaching practices. The CRM(S)T Lesson Analysis Tool presents an invaluable resource for enhancing our science and mathematics instruction by fostering intentional discussions and reflections on lesson design and implementation. In this guide, we'll explore how to effectively utilize this tool to promote student engagement, equity, and deep understanding in both science and mathematics. This was a tool that I have adapted to work for both science and mathematics students. That's what I am calling it the "CRM(S)T tool for both mathematics and science. I'm excited for you all to dive in.

Understanding the Purpose:

Before delving into the application of the CRM(S)T tool, it's crucial to grasp its underlying purpose. Unlike traditional evaluation tools, the CRM(S)T is designed not to assess teachers but to serve as a self-reflective professional instrument. Its primary aim is to facilitate discussions that focus on children's scientific and mathematical thinking, as well as equity within the classroom environment.

Key Components of the CRM(S)T:

The CRM(S)T comprises six essential categories, each accompanied by reflection prompts aimed at guiding critical analysis of science and mathematics teaching. These categories encompass various facets of effective instruction, ranging from cognitive demand to cultural/community-based funds of knowledge. By examining each category and its corresponding reflection prompts, educators can gain comprehensive insights into their teaching practices.

Category Reflection Prompts
1. Cognitive Demand How does my lesson facilitate students' exploration and analysis of mathematical and scientific concepts, procedures, and reasoning strategies?
2. Depth of Knowledge & Student Understanding How does my lesson encourage deep understanding and make visible students' thinking and comprehension?
3. Mathematical and Scientific Discourse How does my lesson create opportunities for meaningful and rigorous discussions in mathematics and science? (e.g., debating ideas and solution strategies, utilizing disciplinary terminology, constructing explanations, communicating reasoning, and making generalizations)
4. Power and Participation How does my lesson distribute authority in mathematical and scientific knowledge, value students' contributions, and address any status differences among students?
5. Academic Language Support for ELL How does my lesson provide support for English Language Learners in accessing and utilizing academic language in mathematics and science?
6. Cultural/Community-based Funds of Knowledge How does my lesson help students establish connections between mathematics and science and real-life situations in their cultural and community contexts? How does my lesson support students in using mathematics and science to comprehend, critique, and address important equity or social justice issues in their lives?

Table 1. Adapted from Aguirre, J. M., & del Rosario Zavala, M. (2013). Making culturally responsive mathematics teaching explicit: A lesson analysis tool. Pedagogies: An international journal8(2), 163-190.

Empowering Change in Science and Mathematics Education:

Ultimately, the CRM(S)T tool empowers STEM student teachers to advance change in science and mathematics education by promoting reflective practices and equity-centered teaching. By consistently applying this tool to analyze and refine our instructional approaches, we can create learning environments that foster deep understanding and embrace diverse perspectives in both science and mathematics.

Effective Utilization Strategies (For now or down the road):

  1. Video Analysis: Start by analyzing a videotaped lesson using the CRM(S)T tool. Select a video from publicly available resources and, in pairs, rate the lesson based on evidence from the video. Engage in discussions with colleagues to compare ratings and identify areas for improvement.
  2. Lesson Plan Analysis: Evaluate your lesson plans using the CRM(S)T dimensions. Reflect on how well your plans address cognitive demand, depth of knowledge, scientific and mathematical discourse, and other key categories. Collaborate with colleagues or coaches to brainstorm adaptations that can enhance cultural responsiveness and equity within your lessons.
  3. Peer Feedback: Invite a peer to observe one of your lessons and use the CRM(S)T tool to provide feedback. Select specific categories from both cognitive aspects and equity-focused dimensions for targeted analysis. By focusing on these selected categories, you can refine your instructional practices and foster greater equity and inclusivity in your classroom.

In conclusion, integrating the CRM(S)T Lesson Analysis Tool into our pedagogical practices equips us with a powerful framework for promoting student learning and equity in science and mathematics education. As STEM student teachers, let us embrace the opportunities provided by this tool to continuously enhance our teaching practices and cultivate inclusive classrooms where all students can thrive