Fun for Fun's Sake

I have always personally enjoyed school and had "fun," but looking back, did I actually enjoy the tasks I was doing? Sometimes yes. But I think I enjoyed being right. I enjoyed the satisfaction of having the right answer and appearing "smart" in front of my classmates and to my teacher. The classroom almost felt like a hostile environment. I was a good student and was expected to always perform and that came with a lot of anxiety.

However, as we have dived into the idea of recess in this class and creating tasks that don't have a "right" answer and are helpful to do simply because of the process, I have found my calm again. I think as an instructor, it's extremely important to engage your students to have fun, and just for fun's sake. Not to be right. Not for status. Not to impress one's friends. But to learn and engage with the material. I think it's important as instructors to create tasks that allow for risks to be taken and multiple "correct" answers.