The Background

The Background

I have always had an interest in Mathematics as well as Chemistry/Physics, during high school these subjects became easier to understand, and wanted to continue to be pushed. Where English and History I did not have an interest in and where I struggled but still was taking college-level classes in high school for those subjects.  

When was the moment that you knew what you wanted to do in life? We get asked that question throughout our whole life even when we think that we are in a good place in our lives. This moment happened to me while I was doing an internship at Otero Junior College with Wayne Beatles. During this moment I was a senior in high school taking Pre-Calculus and decided to see what teaching was all about. Some of my family teaches in early education while others had been teaching about hazardous materials to railroads and different teams all over the states. I became interested in teaching and thought I could dip my toe into the water and see if I would like it.

Going to college was the experience of a lifetime it was different than being a teacher's assistant where you only get to grade work and plugin grades, this time you actually get to help students in understanding the language of mathematics. During this time I was able to observe a College Algebra, Trigonometry, and a class to get you ready for College Algebra. He allowed me to become a tutor for his classes and work with students one-on-one. Over that semester was the point as to finding joy and being curious about others learning and how they see mathematics. Through classes, we look at different points and what brings out our learning to the next level. These points of time allowed me to work through problems and see how others work through different math problems as well as give them my insights as to how I would solve a problem.