If math is fun, why is math class not?

I never discovered the fun that math is until I really got to explore it and create things with it in college. I was opened up to an entire new idea of how math worked and why it was meaningful. Math jokes, math stickers and math videos became my thing and I would love to share those in the classroom. Here is one of my favorites,

Recess in math allows for guided fun in the classroom. Students often feel stuck and bored in a math class and can carry their feelings about math as boring for much longer than they should. Math is full of life and design and creativity. Recess allows access to these things and it pushes students to think critically in a fun and safe environment where they are free to take risks and ask questions. Why do traditional math teachers stray away from this? The majority of math classes I had in middle and high school were repetitive, lecture heavy, and scary if not done correctly. This cycle needs to break, and recess and fun are the answers.