Let's breathe

Let's breathe

Thinking about the work that we have done and how busy we are. I think it's important to think about how we take time to recharge. What do we do to recharge with the depleted energy. I want to hear some ideas. What specific things that you do? Can you lead us through an idea/activity that helps you recharge or take time for you. If you can think about something that you can do in a classroom, bonus!  

Here is a resource that I really appreciate as something to come back with.


The book suggests setting aside 20 minutes a week to take a walk and notice the positive things around you. For instance, you might notice the ways the trees are blossoming or the enjoy the warmth of the sunshine. Here is an expanded description. (https://ggia.berkeley.edu/practice/savoring_walk)

I wonder about adapting and STEMifying it. During the move to online learning I spent a lot of time with my 4 year old, thinking of ways to engage her with the outside world as she too struggled with the pandemic/quarantine/being away from friends and school. We started a “Look, I’m a scientist activity”  Found here.

We would do the following:

  1. 1. Go outside and stop and listen for 2 full minutes! You’ll be amazed at how much you’ll hear.
  2. 2. You are looking and listening for anything you find interesting. How many different bird/animal calls do you hear? Can you see where they are coming from?

Then I would ask my two favourite math/science questions to my daughter.

  1. 1. What do you notice?
  2. 2. What do you wonder?

Give it a try!