My Why...

My Why...

I think that it is no lie that STEM classes aren't really a favorite of students (usually and mostly Math) but I believe that these can be some of the most exciting classes when you actually participate and, with an open mind, you take information in.

Throughout my entire k-12 education I have enjoyed Math and enjoyed learning it but, like my peers, I also that sometimes it can become not so... fun. I always wished I could do something to make math more fun and exciting rather than asking about someone buying a bunch of watermelons (or apples).

That is one reason why I want to be a Math teacher. The second and probably most important reason for why I want to be a STEM teacher is because I am a Latina female who hasn't often seen other females of colors in STEM and it's time to change that. It's time to have more representation in the Education workforce and create social change that revolves around justice and equity.

Throughout my journey in the program I have learned so much about what revolves around teaching a STEM course and how we can become educators that value critical thinkers and effort while trying to maintain a general lense of social justice when teaching students. I have enjoyed expanding my thinking and also challenging my ideas at times which has lead me to become a better educator but also a better person.

To any student teacher in the program (right now or in the future), I will just say that it is hard... but it is also worth every single hardship that you go through. The classes that I've taken so far have not only taught me information that I need to know but also have thought me that teaching is an ongoing process just like learning is, so being able to adapt and be open to change and be okay with not knowing all the answers at once is key to succeeding