Challenge 3

Honestly, I think this lesson (I went with the science one) is pretty solid, overall... One thing I wonder is: what grade level was this intended for? I've looked over the document more than once, and I cannot find it. I would be nervous about giving something this…

Math Unit Overview: Cognitive and Language Demands

by Andy Bell Does this student look the way you feel teaching the last period of the day? Cognitive Rigor: The portion of the unit overview that deals with cognitive rigor is the Unit Learning Goals section. In the math example there are seven numbered goals written as personal statements…

Cognitive and Language Demands

Generally, I liked the Science unit plan related to earthquakes. I found the big ideas to be great examples of cross-cutting phenomena that relate to the real world, and the guiding questions are excellent open-ended questions that will generate some high level discussions in the class. In terms of cognitive…

Cognitive and Language Demands

Looking at "Linear & Exponential Functions" unit overview was interesting and helped me a little.  I have to work on my unit learning goals with the cognitive process.  I have an idea of what I am going to do for each day but I am going to go…

Challenge #3

I love how in this Unit plan (math) the language demands were clearly mapped out and specified for students to understand how they will be receiving information and producing evidence of learning. One thing I may have done to support students better would have been to not only have students…

Cognitive & Learning Demands - Natural Hazards Reflection

The Natural Hazards unit overview incorporates a wide array of cognitive rigor and learning demands.  It appears that the rigor is progressive and building towards students demonstrating their understanding in the summative assessments (quiz or Hazard Magazine) as well as formative assessments throughout the unit. I recognize the value of…

CER in a post-truth world

CER stands for: Claim-Evidence-Reasoning: It is ultimately a writing strategy used in Science Education to help students make connections with concepts. We try to do this in Math Education as well! Have you ever had students respond, “I don’t know. It just did,” when asked to analyze and interpret…

Photo Essay UDL

Old School: Stop being disruptive and keep working... New School: If it's too quiet in here, I can't hear any learning going onOne means of representing multiple means of representationTeachers must know students' funds of knowledge in order to successfully implement UDL. Knowing students'…