Feedback in the class

An assessment that I have recently done with my students was a "pre-assessment" of finding the roots of a polynomial of third degree. It was some guided questions that would inform me of where they were at based on the past few lessons that we've had…

Recent Assessment

A recent assessment that I have given was for students to do a mini-summary worksheet after reading a graphic novel as a formative assessment practice activity for the photosynthesis and cellular respiration lesson. For this assignment, students have to complete a reading, which in this case is a Max Axiom…

Grade Or Feedback?

Let us stop and think about what is our goal? What is the purpose of giving this grade or feedback? Is our goal to ensure students' learning or to evaluate them? Answering this question, all educators will prefer to be on the side of knowledge, not grading. Hence, feedback…

Modifying Feedback

Whenever I think of feedback I always assume that the feedback I am receiving or giving needs to be something that aids in the other individual's growth in some way. I think that is what feedback is all about is for the growth of an individual but what…

Effective Feedback

What do I prioritize when I am giving students feedback? Great question! I would say that the most important characteristics of effective feedback would be... 1. Timely 2. Focused/ specific 3. Opportunity for correction Timely: feedback needs to be given while the information is still fresh in students' minds.…


When I think about the feedback that I value as a student, I always see clear questions that will guide me towards a path that will help me better my work. If I value clear, concise and helpful feedback then I can only expect that my students do too. For…

The Impact of Feedback

Feedback is an essential part of our life, not only in classrooms. We as people need to improve ourselves using the feedback from our community or who are around us. As teachers, we need to be sure about the quality of the feedback we may give our students and how…

What's the point with feedback?

Feedback is always a unique challenge - how much do we give? What do we prioritize? I'm always stuck at a crossroads when it's time to give feedback because I never know how much is the right amount. If I give too little, the student won&…

Everywhere But The Target: Feedback Edition

Feedback. Many different kinds of it exist in this world. Some of us hear feedback and think of that awful screech response from an improperly set up audio system. Others know feedback as a response from our body to a behavior or biochemical reaction. And then most of us think…

Chapter 4: Providing Feedback and Analyzing Data

Chapter 4 (Part 1): Why is feedback important? Feedback has been known to be an important part of the learning process. Especially when coupled with deliberate practice, feedback can help students spend their time mastering aspects that they need to focus on most rather than practicing what they already know.…