What to consider in a unit

It turns out that unit planning is, to me at least, kind of fun. I didn't really anticipate unit planning with any sort of excitement, but as an activity it allows you to ask bigger, more interesting questions about your curricular development and what it is that you…

Unit Plan: Final Reflections

For this assessment, the biggest takeaway for me was Big Ideas. I had always had issues with coming up with Big Ideas and objectives and I always ended up making them super long and boring but thanks to the discussions that we had in class I was able to understand…

Dream On, Dream On, Dream Until Your Dream Come True

One of the goals of my dream agriculture unit is that, whichever form students decide their final project will take on, they need to be able to use their new understanding and knowledge of food, diets, and types of agriculture to demonstrate how that has an impact in their lives…

Chapter 2: Lessons from planning lessons

Chapter 2: Part 1 - Making connections across lesson plans I want you to write a blog this week that adds to your thoughts (with a new objective, or expanding upon your last one) – Think of last week as a Rough Draft. Remember to Focus on: 1. Take the / an…


I can manipulate allele frequency in order to identify the distribution of traits in a population. My students often have a hard time with cross cutting concepts and I think this learning objective gives them the freedom to approach this difficult concept from multiple perspectives. I chose the word manipulate…

Big ideas tie the little ideas together

My dream unit plan [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mdvz2Oelo3aqV3dK-63xyTQR4bm6Fyo_-EiOygQnK64/edit?usp=sharing] , which explores networking and the bigger pictures involved in cybersecurity and the ethics of technology, challenges students to do much more than just learn about HTTP and ARP spoofing. Instead, I've intentionally built…

What is The Perfect End Goal?!?!!!

When I began working on my Unit plan I was really focused merely on the topic that I wanted to teach and on what activities I could do in this unit. It wasn't until I read the actual template and the requirements that I stopped for a second…

Privileging experiences

I privilege experiential learning. Having students explore different topics with hands on activities and labs can be very rewarding and help to maintain student engagement. This can also be challenging, however, because students sometimes have trouble connecting abstract concepts to the activities that they are doing in class. This was…

When I Plan My Dream

To plan for a unit, I will think about the why what, and how. My whys are: Why am I teaching this unit? Why do students need to learn about this objective? Then what: What is the purpose of this unit? What will the students learn by the end of…

What to prioritize?

Being a STEM teacher- the why It's hard to know what to prioritize as an educator. When I first started in the CU Denver Masters of Teaching program, I was thinking about all of my experiences teaching kids outdoors skills and believing that I experiential learning is the…