Photo Essay - Challenge #2

Photo Essay - Challenge #2
Variety of Difficulties in Problems

#1: My CT has come up with a system where she puts up a slide with a variety of problems that range in difficulty. I chose this image from Valorant of the variety of ranks. This system allows users to be successful and encourages them to "level up" or "rank up", just like my CT does. We optimize individual choice and autonomy. (UDL: Recruiting Interest (Access), Engagement, The "Why")

Vocabulary Wall

#2: My CT has a vocabulary wall that we hand write and draw for. It allows students to see the vocabulary in various representations, including images and examples. We clarify vocabulary and symbols. We also illustrate it through multiple medias, in slides and on the wall. (UDL: Language and Symbols (Build), Representation, the "What")

Teaching/Demoing how to Work Backward

#3: My CT likes to show students how to work backward in order to show the students the pattern. We also show them how to do the work in multiple ways. It allows us to guide information processing and visualization. We try to highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas and relationships. (UDL: Comprehension (Internalize), Representation, and the "What")

Math 9's Proficiency Scale for This Unit
Example of a Sentence Structure Outline

#4: My CT and the Math 9 team have outlines a proficiency scale that includes sentence structures that they have a goal for the students to follow. The students are given outlined sentence structures, their own individual whiteboards, their own papers and calculator use. They are provided a variety of methods for response and navigation. We also try to optimize access to tools and assistive technology. (UDL: Physical Action (Access), Action + Express, and the "How")