Student voice in STEM

Student voice in STEM

(Alternate title: The person doing the talking is doing the learning)

In both math and science education the work we do is partially guided by Standards that connect both the content we want our students to learn and the way we want students to engage in thinking about being a mathematician and/or scientist. Although they differ sometimes by state (we do have Colorado standards) they are generally guided by national standards. For Math it is the Common Core Standards for Math (CCSM) and in Science It's the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Although they are different in many ways (outside of the content). They also have some similarities. They are set up to look at the specific content that we want students to know. They also have sections that connect to the 'habits of mind' that we want our students thinking about that connect to what it means to be a scientist or mathematician.

In Math we have the Standards for Mathematical Practice:

And in Science we have the Science and Engineering Practices:

What you may note is that there are some stark differences between the two, however, some monumental similarities. I want to focus on the ideas of the CCSM Standard #3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others and NGSS Standard #8: Engage in argument from evidence and Standard #9: Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information.

This week, our focus is for us to think about how these connect to the 5 Practices for Orchestrating Discussions. I want you to choose one or two of the practices and write a reflection on how you think this connects to the Standards of Practice above (Either choose math or science ...or if it's helpful to think about both, by all means.

For this blog, can you please 'TAG' Module 2 Discussions?