That's a Great Question!

by Andy Bell I observed another math class last week where students were learning about the volume of prisms. They were shown three rectangles in two dimensions, one small, one medium, and one large. Then the teacher asked "If these rectangles were extended up, out of the paper, in…

The Buffalo

The class starts almost everyday with a question.  We actually call it "High, Low, and Buffalo".  A thought provoking question is picked from the box. We have had silly questions and some very serious questions.  The students almost always answers the Buffalo.  IT is normally just our small…

Questions About Questioning

Through the readings that I/we have done in the course work so far, questioning and the purpose of questioning has recently come to the forefront. Before thinking about the method of questioning I honestly never paid it much thought other than relating to myself trying to figure out an…

Effective Questioning

After learning about assessment conversations in the Inquiry Science Pedagogy & Practice course, I made it a point of emphasis to look for instances where my CT was engaging in the ESRU cycle. Below I discuss one instance where this was observed: Eliciting student thinking - (student 1) What is…