Unit Plan: Final Reflections

For this assessment, the biggest takeaway for me was Big Ideas. I had always had issues with coming up with Big Ideas and objectives and I always ended up making them super long and boring but thanks to the discussions that we had in class I was able to understand a bit more what is the purpose of the objectives and how these should be written so that they convey the idea and are precise.

Next time I need to build a unit I would really like to focus a bit more on assessments and how I can create activities and assessments that aren't dull and boring. For this unit I struggled a bit with thinking about the formative and summative assessments because it is one of those topics that we need to practice a lot in order to get the idea (or at least that is how I see it) but I do believe that there are many areas of math that we can actually have fun and engaging assessments for the students.

If I were to give any advice to someone working on this project later on it would be to truly chose something that interests you, I really like trig but I wish I had chosen to do a different unit (I now see that I could have created a funner unit if I had chosen something else but I am too lazy and busy to change everything completely). So, take your time to think about your most honest dream unit because it makes things so much more fun. It might also make thinks a bit more time consuming but it is definitely worth it.