What does it mean to be a Math Teacher?

What does it mean to be a Math Teacher?

Schools are inherently cultural spaces where different forms of knowing and being are being validated. Every decision a mathematics teacher makes, which properties of arithmetic, which formulas in algebra, which theorems in geometry, and in what context, and for what purpose, sends powerful messages about what is valued and whose knowledge and experiences are deemed important. This reminds me of the powerful words of bell hooks :

Mathematics is traditionally seen as the most neutral of disciplines, removed from the arguments and controversies of politics and social life. However, a growing number of, researchers, and activists  contend that mathematics is quite political. How children perform in mathematics is not a reflection of innate ability, disposition, or soft skills, but instead is a product of the organization of schooling, shaped by cultural, historical, and political roots. Things need to change.

So... what does this mean for the practicality of teaching our content?

I think that part of it is to explore ways to bring student's lives into the content - to increase their own identity as a mathematician, a scientist. We have that internal desire - otherwise I assume we wouldn't want to teach our content. So... what does that look like to bring this love/passion/indentity to our students? It is unlikely that they all have the same reasoning as we do.  How can we help build their connection to science/math? How can we find their ideas to dive into considering themselves mathematicians and scientists? How can you bring RECESS to your own classrooms? That's the REAL goal of this course. Looking forward to what you plan to share!