What does it mean to teach in STEM?

"As a teacher, I notice students who enter the classroom with their heads held down. I notice the ones who remain silent as they take their seats. I notice who is
chatting and about what.  I notice which students open their books with zeal, eager to get to the next chapter. I notice who comes to the rug leaning
in to the story I’m going to share.  I notice who takes to paper right away, scribbling away, believing his story is worth sharing.  I equally notice who wrestles with books, who asks to go to the bathroom everyday during reading, and whose pencil remains parked until I come to her side," (Katie Egan Cunningham).

I really liked this quote because it shows how important the students are to teaching. I think a good teacher pays attention to all of their students in order to best plan and teach for all students. I really like how the quote discusses the students who are quiet in the classroom. Those are the students that often times aren’t noticed by teachers and because of that do not get the help they need to learn. I think being a good STEM teacher involves paying attention to your students and being able to create a learning environment that works best for them.

I also think that STEM can often be an intimidating area of learning for students and so part of the goal of a STEM teacher is to make a learning environment that is welcoming for all students. So by creating a welcoming environment that works best for all of your students you will be able to make your class and the learning less intimidating and allows for better learning.