What is The Perfect End Goal?!?!!!

What is The Perfect End Goal?!?!!!

When I began working on my Unit plan I was really focused merely on the topic that I wanted to teach and on what activities I could do in this unit. It wasn't until I read the actual template and the requirements that I stopped for a second to think about what else has to be present in a unit plan so that every succeed receives a quality and equitable education. I then began to wonder about the importance of giving students some control over their own education so I prioritized for a while thinking about a perfect assessment that would help my students show what they had learned while taking ownership and having a bit of freedom to the type of assessment and questions they would answer.

The final goal that I would like for this unit would be for students to be able to produce a poster that shows their learning of one specific topic in the unit. The learning objective is: "Students will use the tools acquired during this unit in order to create a set of real-world problems that make use of the Law of Sines and Cosines, provide an answer, and finally create a poster (or any other representation of their choosing: song, video, drawing, etc) that explains why this problem uses any of the learned tools in this unit (poster will also include problem and worked out solution)." For this specific learning objective, students will be able to showcase it in a different language other than English (at least someone in the group must be able to explain it in English), they can present the project in any for they like (as long as they include the math and the explanation of their work. In my focus class there are many students that speak other languages (mainly Spanish) and they like to speak it in class so I will honor their families and culture by allowing them to use their native or secondary language in this project. As long as they do their problem and work the solution and have the correct math in the problem then they shall receive full credit for the assessment.

This goal connects to language demands because it is in the active domain as students are required to write or create something to show their thinking, it is located in the level 3/4 of the create section of the Hess Cognitive Matrix, and finally, it connects to the Common Core Standard CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.SRT.D.11 because students must "apply the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines to find unknown measurements in right and non-right triangles."