Challenge #7-UDL (creativity)

1. What do I need to think about for my capstone ? Supporting students within my capstone looks different every day, as we have some students who love working in groups, and others who always ask to work independently. There is value in both modes of working, so maybe I could…

Challenge #6-Differentiate

1. One way I have differentiated for student learning would be by looking at reviews and extra practice as more individual for each student. For example, some student love and want additives to in-class work. Some students like to do math every day and like to review what is being…

Challenge #5-Questions?

As a kid, I loved asking questions. In every space I ever was, you could bet that I was asking questions about what I was doing or what I was going to do next. Questions come naturally to me as a teacher as well. I love to ask my students…

Challenge #4-CER

1. CER, or claim-evidence reasoning should be connected to our world right now. The ability for people to make a claim supported by evidence and reasoning is so important in students forming their own opinion and being able to articulate why they did. There is so much information out in…

Challenge #3

I love how in this Unit plan (math) the language demands were clearly mapped out and specified for students to understand how they will be receiving information and producing evidence of learning. One thing I may have done to support students better would have been to not only have students…

Challenge #2-UDL Photo Essay

Math right of the bat has multiple means of representation embedded within it. Students should be able to verbally share their thinking, as well as share it numerically and visually on paper. I chose this picture because in our classroom we are very adamant about students having a strong fluency…

Gallery Walk Works Wonders

So many math classrooms of my childhood were filled with voices from the teacher and a squeaky whiteboard marker. There was very little discussion, collaboration, group work, creativity, or engagement. The Standards for math, especially number three, point to forming arguments about math, and critiquing your own work as well…