Fostering Fun in STEM Education

I want you to take a look at this blog [] from a friend and colleague in Education in the Counseling program here at CU Denver. She focuses in Fostering Fun and vulnerability. What do you think fun can look like in online learning…

Chapter 1: What matters: Building the dream unit plan

Chapter 1: Part 1- What does it mean to be a STEM teacher.... continued * In the "readings" section, add any interesting readings you have found or learned from your licensure program. * In the "reflections" section add your reflection about what it means to created meaningful units.…

Being a STEM Teacher - the why.

(And making learning visible) A post from the professor. In the first chapter of our STEM OER Text Book, we will explore the why of getting into education. Why are we wanting to be STEM teachers? What do we privilege when we think about our student's learning? How…

The Open STEM Teacher

An Open Education Resource (OER) around student learning for STEM student teachers. Welcome to STEM Capstone here at CU Denver. In the interest of saving money for students and being able to crowdsource information from talented student teachers, we will be using some resources from the professor as well as…

(re) humanizing learning

For this blog post, I want you to consider what matters to you - what do you privilege as you begin your teaching career. Below, I will give some examples from class  and I want you to write about one aspect that will matter to you as you become a…

What makes a STEM Task worthwhile?

So...what is a task? You've heard me talk about tasks, you will be analyzing them, creating them, teaching them. What even is a task? So Stein et al. says that "A STEM task has been defined as a single problem or a set of problems that…

Supporting the demands of students

This week, I want this to be a choose your own adventure. You've spent this week's discussion around Universal Design for Learning (for the second time). You are in the midst of either teaching or preparing for your capstone project. Write about anything that connects to…

Moving from Deficiencies to Possibilities

STUDENTS IN ANY CLASSROOM differ in many ways, only some of which the teacher can reasonably attend to in developing instructional plans. Some differences will be cognitive—for example, what previous concepts and skills students can call upon. Some differences will be more about learning  preferences.  Other differences will be…

Questions, Questions, Questions

My daughter's class start's each and every day with the Question of the Day. The teacher and students make funny faces, point to their temples and think really hard. It's usually something like "How many students have an 'A' in their…

CER in a post-truth world

CER stands for: Claim-Evidence-Reasoning: It is ultimately a writing strategy used in Science Education to help students make connections with concepts. We try to do this in Math Education as well! Have you ever had students respond, “I don’t know. It just did,” when asked to analyze and interpret…