
This is a poor drawing of one train track diverging into multiple tracks, and ultimately merging into a singular track once again. This is how I think of effective differentiation. In my first and second internship, we used an embedded honors system in which we designed multiple differentiated tracks that…

UDL in my Capstone Project

My goal in designing a final assessment for students was to provide opportunities for multiple means of expression. Students were able to express their learning through kinesthetics (#1), speaking (photo 2), writing (photo 3), and drawing (photo 4). #1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nL-bx8QnMRVvLnK70U_Xv4SyagJKyq3e/view?usp=sharing…

Questions and Expectations

One thing I've noticed about questioning in the classroom is that when a teacher leaves room for too much interpretation in a question when it comes to directions or expectations, students either respond with confusion or don't respond at all. For instance, I've seen…


In the age of social media and alternative facts, claim-evidence reasoning is becoming more infrequent and increasingly important in our daily lives. People have a platform to post claims with no evidence and unsupported reasoning. As teachers, it is a critical challenge that we engage students in CER so that…

Cognitive and Language Demands

Generally, I liked the Science unit plan related to earthquakes. I found the big ideas to be great examples of cross-cutting phenomena that relate to the real world, and the guiding questions are excellent open-ended questions that will generate some high level discussions in the class. In terms of cognitive…

Photo Essay UDL

Old School: Stop being disruptive and keep working... New School: If it's too quiet in here, I can't hear any learning going onOne means of representing multiple means of representationTeachers must know students' funds of knowledge in order to successfully implement UDL. Knowing students'…

What it means to be a STEM teacher

Quote: Good teaching cannot be reduced to technique; good teaching comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher. Something I’ve noticed in my internship is how my general demeanor and attitude influences student engagement. Using certain strategies isn’t enough to get students engaged; I also have to…

Why fun?

There are several ways to get students engaged with the material, but one of the best ways is to create fun learning experiences in the classroom. Creating fun in science classes not only increases engagement, but it also instills a sense of passion and excitement in the context of science.…