

How do we recharge or let ourselves be who we are? I find this interesting as we do not ask ourselves that question as often as needed. We find ourselves needing to take a break from life or in some instances just needing to take a breath. For me, I find myself "disappearing" from what we know on our day to day basis. In some cases, this has lead to traveling to a new place that is close to La Junta or going to a comfortable spot. The furthest I have traveled to just let go and take a breath and reset has led me to Mexico, Puerto Rico (College Volleyball team trip), or anywhere in the United States where I have not traveled yet. This has given me an opportunity to connect back with myself as well in some cases as been a way to connect with others through a sport if there was a language barrier. I still find this a way to connect with students is to play a game to get to know them as who they are.

Down Town in Puerto Rico
Plane Ride leaving Mexico

As an educator when we feel that we need to take a breath we find ourselves just staring off into space. We can take this time as our students might be feeling the same way and taking in their emotions as well. This would be a great time to taking a recess or a break from the class for a couple of minutes. I have seen this be done as laying on the floor, playing a Disney/Pixar movie, moving class outside, playing music, there are so many directions that you can go.