Confusion About Backwards

I’m pretty confused about how or what to write about what I privilege for this reflection. I am trying to make important connections and be thinking about our unit planning, in connection with my Context for Learning document and all the aspects of the Unit Plan Template. I suppose the one particular part that’s giving me the trouble is just knowing where to get started. My goals for my unit plan are the comprehension of ecology vocabulary as a foundation for my larger project, but how I could connect it to my students specifically is not obvious. I am especially unsure how I can accurately assess it. I don’t really have language demands to deal with, apart from the vocabulary specialization itself. I am trying to get the idea of cognitive demand, but this is difficult for me too. The only part I feel really solid on is the application of state standards. These have been the most important things I've relied on to consider about unit planning, but I’m not sure how to bridge the gap from the lesson planning level to the unit one. An example of my concern is that I am not certain what kind of assessment to apply - multiple choice or short answer have their own disadvantages, and verbal assessing only gets a handful of students. I’m having a lot of trouble moving forward effectively. Does backwards design mean that I should be starting from the goal of their knowing the words - and if so, what's the next step to 'go back'?