Is it break time yet?

Lately I have been very stressed. I think it is a combination of class, work, trying to be physically active (playing volleyball) and preparing for my internship that has made me so tired and burnt out. When I experience these signs of burn out I typically like to either play more volleyball or cook. I love to cook and I love the lack of having to think and engage my brain in analysis or deep thought. When I cook my instincts take over and I am able to just create something that I have been craving and just enjoy it. I don't have to stress over anything I let my taste buds take the steering wheel and just go with the flow. This is similar to when I play volleyball. I am able to physically release tension that has built up from stress and as an added bonus I am staying active! Recently however, I found myself needing an escape from everything. From the social aspect of volleyball, from not having time to cook the things I want, and just wanting to shut my brain off for a minute. I've been taking care of my plants more often and I have found myself really enjoying these tasks. It allows me to just step away from life and appreciate the little things around me. I am hoping to have lots of plants in my future classroom and maybe I can incorporate them into some sort of break time for the students to just shut their brains off for a minute so they are able to enjoy the little things in life too.