
I think that this "Pandemic life" has really changed things up for all of us. For better or for worse, things aren't the same as they used to be. Some of the 'not-so-good' aspects of this are remote learning and having to spend most…

Worthwhile Tasks?

Worthwhile tasks: 1. Ability to apply knowledge and think critically 2. Have an objective or goal 3. Able to connect concepts and lessons A task to me is very broad and can be almost anything; as long as it allows for individual responsibility to complete the task with a goal…

What's a good task anyway?

Learning about tasks as they relate to teaching, at this point in my life, feels a little bit like drawing back the curtain of good teaching to reveal the inner workings of what's actually going on. I remember plenty of good activities from my time as a student…


Some things I think that make a task worthwhile: * Tasks are interactive * Making task-positive outcomes * Use of communication/discussion for different concepts/goals * Develop critical thinking Tasks in Mathematics: Looking back at the different task being used in the classroom it brings me back to tasks that are very common…

Tasks in STEM

I think it can be difficult to determine whether a task is worthwhile or not. In my mind, having students preform a task will teach them something regardless of if it is the intended idea you wanted to teach. Does this mean the task isn't worthwhile? I believe…

Tasks in Math

To me, a task should be challenging and thought-provoking, fun yet clear and concise. Tasks should help students develop their critical thinking while supporting them and acknowledging that there will be mistakes throughout the process. A task shouldn't be seen as daunting but rather as an opportunity for…

Worthwhile Tasks

Some things that I think make a task worthwhile: 1. Tasks connect to concepts or themes (though maybe not obviously at first) 2. Tasks are interactive 3. Tasks foster positive attitudes 4. Tasks deepen comprehension of concepts/themes Tasks Within Biology: An example of a task that I can think…

What did we learn last class?

Back when I was in undergrad or high school, I had a couple of teachers who asked, the first thing before starting class, was "What did we learn last class?" We just sat down, nothings on the board yet. Sometimes, it was on a Monday right after the…

But why?

One question I found myself asking students when I was working in an elementary school was, how did you get that answer? I often worked on math with several students one on one and I would ask this all the time to check how well the student was able to…

What's with questions?

In looking forward at my plans to become a mathematics teacher, the importance of questions in class seems almost painfully obvious. At some point, every student has had teachers on either end of the good-questioning spectrum: teachers who have lectured without asking questions of their students or allowing their students…