Assessment Learning

Something I have learned that I believe is extremely important for assessment is to be sure that the assessment has a purpose. If students are undertaking an assessment and have no idea what they are demonstrating, have no models to show that demonstration, or options to demonstrate their learning, it…

Challenge 8 - Assessment

Creating an assessment where all students can demonstrate their understanding is vital, however, just as important for meaningful learning is providing targeted feedback students can act on.…


I can understand the idea of never telling a student they have done everything wrong.  It is not a good feeling.  What my CT tries to get me to do is start with praise then talk about how they can do it better or need to change. I can do…

Multiple Means...

... of Representation! of Expression! of Engagement! My favorite part of these aspects of the UDL framework is the endless ways that relevant information can be used for student learning.  Relevancy is undoubtedly the root from which great ideas can grow when using these aspects to create lesson plans.  How do…

UDL is our Friend During Remote Learning

by Andy Bell I look at the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) graphic organizer and one word stands out to me, engagement. It's in the top box of the first column, "provide multiple means of engagement". Some days it seems like that topic comes up in…

Websites are the future

As worked to become a teacher, I have learned about so many different websites that students can now use to help them understand the math that makes them struggle.  Desmos is one such website, and I hope to use if for the Dilation part of the lesson.  I will admit…

Challenge #7-UDL (creativity)

1. What do I need to think about for my capstone ? Supporting students within my capstone looks different every day, as we have some students who love working in groups, and others who always ask to work independently. There is value in both modes of working, so maybe I could…


This is a poor drawing of one train track diverging into multiple tracks, and ultimately merging into a singular track once again. This is how I think of effective differentiation. In my first and second internship, we used an embedded honors system in which we designed multiple differentiated tracks that…

Challenge 7

What do I need to think about connected to supporting my current students? I am currently thinking a lot about how to facilitate at-home lab projects for the high schoolers this coming quarter. I feel as though we are over-using PHET in the pandemic; it's a great resource,…

Differentiation, Challenge 6

Whenever I think of differentiation the first thing that comes to mind is: a sentence stem. At the end of February, the 8th graders were doing something the teacher called a "one pager" in which the kids made their own one-page posters to explain something they were studying.…