UDL in my Capstone Project

My goal in designing a final assessment for students was to provide opportunities for multiple means of expression. Students were able to express their learning through kinesthetics (#1), speaking (photo 2), writing (photo 3), and drawing (photo 4). #1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nL-bx8QnMRVvLnK70U_Xv4SyagJKyq3e/view?usp=sharing…

Questions and Expectations

One thing I've noticed about questioning in the classroom is that when a teacher leaves room for too much interpretation in a question when it comes to directions or expectations, students either respond with confusion or don't respond at all. For instance, I've seen…

UDL For Now, UDL In The Future

Making projects or using PBL seems to be a good way to give students, individually or as a group, multiple ways to engage the content. Not only can this develop skills pertinent for outside of the classroom (planning, building, perseverance, and collaboration) but it also allows the students to use…

Metacogntion, Self-Regulation & Differentation

In many of our courses, we have discussed the importance of targeted and practical feedback as a vital component of meaningful learning for our students. Recently in our Inquiry Science Pedagogy and Practice course, we read “Formative assessment and the design of instruction systems” (Sadler, 1989). The article discusses how…

Challenge #6-Differentiate

1. One way I have differentiated for student learning would be by looking at reviews and extra practice as more individual for each student. For example, some student love and want additives to in-class work. Some students like to do math every day and like to review what is being…

Multi-Step Equations

I do not remember learning multi-step equations but I have always learned math easily in school.  What I have learned in the past year is how to make it easier for students to understand. It starts with lines and arrows. A line down the middle to keep each side separate.…

Differentiating to Reach More Broadly

by Andy Bell In my classroom, we try to build as many flex days in to our schedule as possible.  These are days when we can catch up on things we've missed in previous lessons and help students who are struggling catch up as well. Part of making…

Supporting the demands of students

This week, I want this to be a choose your own adventure. You've spent this week's discussion around Universal Design for Learning (for the second time). You are in the midst of either teaching or preparing for your capstone project. Write about anything that connects to…


I think one of the things I have heard previous CT's struggle with is effective questioning.  This is not something that is only difficult in written assignments, but in class conversations as well.  In most of my observations, verbal questioning tends to be the most difficult to facilitate.…

Differentiation in the Classroom

I drew this picture earlier this semester but feel it is appropriate to discuss in this challenge. Providing various opportunities for students to engage at each (or as many as possible) level of cognitive rigor is one practical consideration for differentiated learning. More specifically, this might include modeling (examples &…