Beg to Differ

In my CT's class I believe that a certain project/continuous assignment that the students are asked to do is great in it being differentiated but also the task has many scaffolds built into it. Maybe I am conflating these two things which would be great to get…


Questioning… questioning can be a quite a challenge for me. I am quick to give students the answer when they ask me for help, or I notice something they are doing. Sometimes the questions I attempt to use are terrible and not very effective. I need to start preplanning the…

Moving from Deficiencies to Possibilities

STUDENTS IN ANY CLASSROOM differ in many ways, only some of which the teacher can reasonably attend to in developing instructional plans. Some differences will be cognitive—for example, what previous concepts and skills students can call upon. Some differences will be more about learning  preferences.  Other differences will be…

CER in a post-truth world

1. Teaching students to use the CER method to generate answers to questions  is hugely important.  It is an important tool for them, even into adulthood. Once they have mastered it, they will then be able to use the scaffold to, in turn, develop questions.  This is important in a…

How Students Learn

Students are unique and we cannot expect our activities to be a one size fits all, we need to ensure whatever we provide is going to be meaningful for ALL our students.Online learning has presented many new tools to support student learning, but I believe excitement and memorable experiences…

Challenge 5

Today was all about the question, "what is a testable question". The kids are doing a virtual science fair, and they need to develop a question and experiment to answer it, so we talked about what a testable question was. The students, I found, mostly answered the question…

Challenge #5-Questions?

As a kid, I loved asking questions. In every space I ever was, you could bet that I was asking questions about what I was doing or what I was going to do next. Questions come naturally to me as a teacher as well. I love to ask my students…

That's a Great Question!

by Andy Bell I observed another math class last week where students were learning about the volume of prisms. They were shown three rectangles in two dimensions, one small, one medium, and one large. Then the teacher asked "If these rectangles were extended up, out of the paper, in…

The Buffalo

The class starts almost everyday with a question.  We actually call it "High, Low, and Buffalo".  A thought provoking question is picked from the box. We have had silly questions and some very serious questions.  The students almost always answers the Buffalo.  IT is normally just our small…

Questions About Questioning

Through the readings that I/we have done in the course work so far, questioning and the purpose of questioning has recently come to the forefront. Before thinking about the method of questioning I honestly never paid it much thought other than relating to myself trying to figure out an…