Quote Reflection

> When we are interested in what we are learning, no one has to force us to keep learning: we just do.  If you’ve ever watched kids when they are playing sports, planning a field trip, or discussing their favorite celebrity, you know how different they are when they…

Boosting students

Dennis Littky When we are interested in what we are learning, no one has to force us to keep learning: we just do.  If you’ve ever watched kids when they are playing sports, planning a field trip, or discussing their favorite celebrity, you know how different they are when…

What I think it means to be a Teacher

Jesse Credit I believe teachers must instill a passion for learning in our students. We want them to be engaged in and excited about the material so what they are learning will stick with them. This also falls on teachers to include relevant content throughout the unit/ lesson and allow…

What it means to be a STEM teacher

Quote: Good teaching cannot be reduced to technique; good teaching comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher. Something I’ve noticed in my internship is how my general demeanor and attitude influences student engagement. Using certain strategies isn’t enough to get students engaged; I also have to…

Challenge 2 - Universal Design

For this challenge, we will keep a Photo Essay, I want you to dive into what UDL means for you and your own students. Think about your Unit Plan idea. What are ways that we can support students in our planning connected to UDL. Be able to answer the question.…

What does it mean to be a Math Teacher?

Schools are inherently cultural spaces where different forms of knowing and being are being validated. Every decision a mathematics teacher makes, which properties of arithmetic, which formulas in algebra, which theorems in geometry, and in what context, and for what purpose, sends powerful messages about what is valued and whose…

Cognitive and Language Demands

One of the things we want to think about as we move forward with both the 5280 view (unit planning)  and the ocean view (lesson planning) are the demands that our students face in the classroom. Photo by Nick Tiemeyer [https://unsplash.com/@nickeedoo?utm_source=ghost&utm_medium=…

Fun for Fun's Sake

I have always personally enjoyed school and had "fun," but looking back, did I actually enjoy the tasks I was doing? Sometimes yes. But I think I enjoyed being right. I enjoyed the satisfaction of having the right answer and appearing "smart" in front of my…