The Importance of Fun

When I think about what fun can look like in the classroom I envision curious students actively engaged and learning. If we want students to have fun in our classrooms and with the curriculum we provide we first need to spark their curiosity and offer content that resonates with them.…

Why fun?

There are several ways to get students engaged with the material, but one of the best ways is to create fun learning experiences in the classroom. Creating fun in science classes not only increases engagement, but it also instills a sense of passion and excitement in the context of science.…

Enjoy Your Learning...

To ensure our students' learning, they need to enjoy learning time. Let's forget old style and boring classes and be creative. As educators we need to mix learning with fun. Mix fun with learning keep students engaged and motivate them to learn. Students spend most of their…

Have fun every class

There are lots of reason to have fun in your classroom but here are a few that you may not have thought of: (Source: ) 1. Our brains are wired that way When a lesson starts with humor, there is more alerting, and the…

Being Mindful

As teachers we can spread ourselves pretty thin trying to balance our school responsibilities, managing our own lives, and worrying about our students. There is a lot to always be thinking about and we need to maintain our own physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing if we hope to see learners…

Inhale, exhale

Self-care is extremely important. But defining what self-care is and what it means can be different from person to person. I'm an extremely anxious person. I have been my whole life. I like to fill my schedule, spread myself thin and please as many people as possible. This…

Practicing Gratitude

One way we can practice self care is to remember the things in life for which we're grateful. Gratitude can be obligatory or it can be given freely as a way of thanking others. We usually show gratitude as a way to return a good feeling that we&…