Student voice in STEM

(Alternate title: The person doing the talking is doing the learning) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In both math and science education the work we do is partially guided by Standards that connect both the content we want our students to learn and the way we want students to engage in thinking about being…

A Social Scientist

As a child I was always a little different from my peers. I had to move frequently and during the school semesters I lived with my father in a small country town in northeast Connecticut. Every school break I would go to my mothers in an even smaller mountain town…

Science Is Part Of our Life

"Necessity is the the mother of invention!" I grew up with this quote and actually I do not know who said it first, and if it is in English exactly as I translated from Arabic. This quote jumped on my mind when I was trying to write about…

Why Math?

Ever sense I started school in kindergarten, I liked math. It came easily to me and it made perfect sense. I remember being moved to the, "advanced" math group in 4th grade, and I was so excited to learn more. However, for the longest time, I only like…

Dr. Baker and the Microscope

Hi Class, I began my journey in science education first as a student. I was always naturally curious and would often ask questions like "Mom, what's this leaf made of?" and "Dad, why does that rock look like that?" I knew that I could…

Challenge Accepted

Student learning and engagement happens within a sweet-spot of rigor - when students are required to dig deep to access their potential, but with enough opportunity for success that they can imagine this potential, even if still struggling to access it. Science when taught in this sweet-spot, differentiated for each…

Once a Builder, Always a Builder

When children are young and their personalities start to emerge, you can begin to see their desires and preferences in the choices they make; what toys they chose to play with, with whom they chose to play, or how much imaginative play they engage in. Many of those preferences carry…

Recess in difficult times

In this unique moment in education, it is increasingly difficult to have the bandwidth and space to think about how play can fit into our students’ learning. It is also difficult to be able to focus on our own academic and pedagogical pursuits. Recess is an opportunity for students to…


Welcome to the STME Landing Page. The goal of this page is for Math and Science Education students at CU Denver to have a place to share, reflect and learn about our student's learning and reasoning in equitable ways. Welcome all!…

Welcome to Ghost

Welcome to the STME Landing Page for CU Denver STEM Education. The purpose of this page is to have a space where we can reflect and post ideas pertinent to our STEM Education pages. Let's share our ideas about promoting equitable STEM Education…