STEM Teacher in the Making

Looking at myself becoming a person in STEM in the mirror, I think of making that little girl's dreams come true by helping others in something I enjoy and learning more about. When I think about my students, I have the idea that even though math might not…

Blog on Assessment

One of the latest assessments I’ve given was a test over linear functions. Some of the questions from the test are posted below. The questions attached are specifically about writing an equation from a scenario in y=mx+b format and interpreting what the x- and y- intercepts would…

Feedback to a student

My capstone lessons were centered around solving equations where we mostly focused on radical, rational, and quadratic equations. We learned strategies for solving equations such as rewriting and undoing. For my capstone assessment, I decided to give my students two equations to solve, one radical and one rational. Both questions…

Understanding Student Thinking on Formative Assessments

For the linear and exponential functions unit, I recently gave a short CFA where students were asked to help a student select the best investment plan when the student was planning to invest for ten weeks. Below is the assessment with one student's work. There were two grades…

Thoughts on Feedback

1. What do you privilege when you provide feedback? Feedback is tricky. Often, students will ignore feedback, especially if they are only a grade; feedback is only useful if the students actually improve because of it. Therefore, it is essential to provide effective feedback, meaning feedback that is meaningful for…

My thoughts on feedback...

Providing feedback can be taxing on students and teachers alike, so it is important to take a few things into account in order to make it as effective as possible. Making our feedback immediate not only helps us teachers, it is beneficial for students. I also strongly believe that we…

My Questions Regarding Giving Student Feedback

Lately as I have been correcting my students' daily assignments (Note Catchers), I have been reflecting on the most effective way that I could give 120 students feedback. I have tried a number of ways in the past and haven’t been satisfied with my results, yet. The four…

Connecting My Objective to Assessment - Mitosis

On Day 3 of my capstone lesson plan, I will teach the mitosis cell life cycle. One of the objectives that I have for my students is for them to recognize the changes of three important structures in this process: DNA, nucleus, and spindle apparatus. As they are learning this…

Learning Objectives to Lessons

My CT and I spent a lot of time working on an inquiry project students can do - connecting their ecology unit with their community. My unit will be focusing on ecosystems. Students will be learning about natural ecosystems, biodiversity, and food webs. This unit is going to be project-based:…

Connections to my Learning Objective

One lesson objective I had was “Students will be able to explain how the parameters a, h, and k transform the parent function f(x)=x2 ”. For the assessment piece of this, we had students choose a parameter and explain how it changed the parent function. We then had students…