Connecting Modeling Practice to Student Interests

One of the goals in my modeling dream unit is, "I can interpret the graph of a function in terms of a given context" based off of the Common Core Standard "CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.LE.B.5 Interpret the parameters in a linear or exponential function…

Building Unit Plans

One goal that I have chosen for this unit plan was for students to learn how linear equations, graphs, and tables relate to each other. I believe I can connect this to students’ lives because linear growth is commonplace in our world. I think one way to assess this would…


When we are interested in what we are learning, no one has to force us to keep learning: we just do.  If you've ever watched kids when they are playing sports, planning a field trip, or discussing their favorite celebrity, you know how different they are when they…

What does it mean to be a STEM teacher?

Our students are growing up in a time where all the information in the world is at their fingertips. They can answer any question they want with their phones, so why exactly are we doing these math problems everyday? As a STEM teacher, the content serves as an opportunity for…

The STEM Teacher Journey

When I see myself as a STEM teacher, I imagine my students' senses and minds engaged in hands-on experiments, outdoor excursions, and new experiences that will challenge how they see the world. My students will be challenged in a way where they know that they are working hard but…

What does it mean to teach in STEM?

"As a teacher, I notice students who enter the classroom with their heads held down. I notice the ones who remain silent as they take their seats. I notice who is chatting and about what.  I notice which students open their books with zeal, eager to get to the…

What does it mean to teach in STEM?

What does it mean to teach STEM? I resonated with this quote by Katie Egan Cunningham: "As a teacher, I notice students who enter the classroom with their heads held down. I notice the ones who remain silent as they take their seats. I notice who is chatting and…

Students' work works for teachers, too

Giving assessments and feedback is always a challenging part of interacting with students, and we're tasked in our feedback with giving an amount of help that's appropriate but that also still lets the student struggle productively. It's also important to consider the context of…

Capstone Assessment

For my capstone assessment, I decided to give my students an exit ticket that helped wrap up a lab assignment we did during my capstone lessons. The exit ticket was designed to test their knowledge of the purpose of the lab assignment and to identify whether they are able to…

Assessment and Feedback: The Right Way?

I recently gave a summative assessment for my Biomed Year 1 students. I've attached a link to the form. ( This was the first assessment that I've designed fully by myself for my students here at Hinkley. This was a final assessment for…