Reset the work day with outdoor rec

The best way I've learned to cope with stress and a busy lifestyle is exercise and getting outside. Being able to do something active after work is a great way to reset the day and feel refreshed for the next.

There are very few cities in the US that have accessible, world-class outdoor recreation right in its backyard - and Denver is luckily one of them. When going climbing in Clear Creek Canyon or hiking in the Flatirons after work, I come home forgetting that I even went to work that day. This gives me more energy the following day, and I rarely feel burned out. As a teacher, this will be even more important, as the craziness and stress of teaching will have to be even more strongly counterbalanced.

The outdoors is also a great place to reflect on the positive components of your day. Nature presents a positive environment to do positive thinking, and it's important to reflect on what went right during the day to increase motivation for the next day.