STME 4/5001 The 6 Challenges

Hi all. Welcome to our landing page for our weekly reflections. Here you will find the links to my initial blogs for each challenge along with the tag I would like you to use.

Packing for the Road Trip - What do we need?Learning Theory, Content Identity, CulturallyResponsive Teaching (Think - Who are our students?

  1. Challenge 1 - What does it mean to be a STEM Teacher? (June 8th, 2021)
    tag #challenge1

2. Challenge 2 - Content Identity (June 10th, 2021)
tag #module-1-identity

The Long Haul - Building community in the tasks we provide. Student talk, Groupworthy tasks, and task analysis. (Think - How do we build community with our students?)

Challenge 3 - Questions, Questions, Questions - (June 17, 2021)

Challenge 4 - Tasks (June 24, 2021)

Challenge 5 - Let's Breathe (July 1st, 2021)

Module 3- It’s about the journey and the destination. Lesson planning with students in mind. (Think - who are our students and what supports do they need to succeed?)

Challenge 5 -  (re)Humanizing Lessons. How do the lessons we explore provide equitable learning opportunities for our students?(July 8th, 2021)

Challenge 6 - Final Challenge - Reflection  (July 15th)