Assessment: Where the Party's At

Assessment doesn't have to be all about telling your teacher exactly what they want to hear. We're not robots. Assessments, both formative and summative, can be opportunities for students to learn further and express their own ideas about the content.…

Finish this Cartoon-Assessment

As modern education begins to move away from the traditional ways of assessing student mastery, I find that a primary part of any assessment is the feedback.  I personally value feedback from my professors and my peers.  It helps me to get a clearer perspective on my strengths, weakness and…

Assessment Learning

Something I have learned that I believe is extremely important for assessment is to be sure that the assessment has a purpose. If students are undertaking an assessment and have no idea what they are demonstrating, have no models to show that demonstration, or options to demonstrate their learning, it…

Challenge 8 - Assessment

Creating an assessment where all students can demonstrate their understanding is vital, however, just as important for meaningful learning is providing targeted feedback students can act on.…


I can understand the idea of never telling a student they have done everything wrong.  It is not a good feeling.  What my CT tries to get me to do is start with praise then talk about how they can do it better or need to change. I can do…