Challenge #3

Cognitive Demands: I feel like for the math plan that the cognitive demands don't go very deep. They don't say enough or ask enough. It feels all very one leveled to me, whereas I feel like it needs to be more equitable for all of the…

Challenge 3

There are lots of what and how questions in the unit learning goals, but I think what is lacking is more cognitively demanding questions. I would have more open-ended questions and questions contradictory to the standard thinking about earthquakes so that students are challenged to think differently about earthquakes. For…

What did we learn last class?

Back when I was in undergrad or high school, I had a couple of teachers who asked, the first thing before starting class, was "What did we learn last class?" We just sat down, nothings on the board yet. Sometimes, it was on a Monday right after the…

But why?

One question I found myself asking students when I was working in an elementary school was, how did you get that answer? I often worked on math with several students one on one and I would ask this all the time to check how well the student was able to…


Wondering about questions... In college one of my site teachers started off class once a week with a question of, "any current events, accomplishments, wonderings, concerns?" At the first couple of weeks, I wondered why she would ask her students that during the beginning of the hour. It…

Language and Cognitive Demands

Natural Hazards In all honesty I felt that this unit/lesson plan was really detailed and well thought through. It seems like effort was placed into reaching every level in the DOK framework and the ability for the demonstration of understanding was very multimodal. I especially like the chance for…

Challenge 3

Honestly, I think this lesson (I went with the science one) is pretty solid, overall... One thing I wonder is: what grade level was this intended for? I've looked over the document more than once, and I cannot find it. I would be nervous about giving something this…

Cognitive and Language Demands

Generally, I liked the Science unit plan related to earthquakes. I found the big ideas to be great examples of cross-cutting phenomena that relate to the real world, and the guiding questions are excellent open-ended questions that will generate some high level discussions in the class. In terms of cognitive…

Cognitive and Language Demands

Looking at "Linear & Exponential Functions" unit overview was interesting and helped me a little.  I have to work on my unit learning goals with the cognitive process.  I have an idea of what I am going to do for each day but I am going to go…