
This is a poor drawing of one train track diverging into multiple tracks, and ultimately merging into a singular track once again. This is how I think of effective differentiation. In my first and second internship, we used an embedded honors system in which we designed multiple differentiated tracks that…

Differentiation, Challenge 6

Whenever I think of differentiation the first thing that comes to mind is: a sentence stem. At the end of February, the 8th graders were doing something the teacher called a "one pager" in which the kids made their own one-page posters to explain something they were studying.…

Challenge #6-Differentiate

1. One way I have differentiated for student learning would be by looking at reviews and extra practice as more individual for each student. For example, some student love and want additives to in-class work. Some students like to do math every day and like to review what is being…

Multi-Step Equations

I do not remember learning multi-step equations but I have always learned math easily in school.  What I have learned in the past year is how to make it easier for students to understand. It starts with lines and arrows. A line down the middle to keep each side separate.…

Differentiating to Reach More Broadly

by Andy Bell In my classroom, we try to build as many flex days in to our schedule as possible.  These are days when we can catch up on things we've missed in previous lessons and help students who are struggling catch up as well. Part of making…


I think one of the things I have heard previous CT's struggle with is effective questioning.  This is not something that is only difficult in written assignments, but in class conversations as well.  In most of my observations, verbal questioning tends to be the most difficult to facilitate.…

Differentiation in the Classroom

I drew this picture earlier this semester but feel it is appropriate to discuss in this challenge. Providing various opportunities for students to engage at each (or as many as possible) level of cognitive rigor is one practical consideration for differentiated learning. More specifically, this might include modeling (examples &…

Beg to Differ

In my CT's class I believe that a certain project/continuous assignment that the students are asked to do is great in it being differentiated but also the task has many scaffolds built into it. Maybe I am conflating these two things which would be great to get…

Moving from Deficiencies to Possibilities

STUDENTS IN ANY CLASSROOM differ in many ways, only some of which the teacher can reasonably attend to in developing instructional plans. Some differences will be cognitive—for example, what previous concepts and skills students can call upon. Some differences will be more about learning  preferences.  Other differences will be…